Our Mission

The Chapter welcomes members of all denominations whose interests focus primarily on following the child by providing:

  • Essentials for newborns and children through Layettes & My Stuff Bags programs
  • Parental/family support through Second Saturday program
  • Literacy support through teacher assistance and children’s vision screening
  • Financial assistance to schools for unmet needs of students

Our efforts are focused on nurturing youth in the Greater Metropolitan Milwaukee Area. These commitments, which enhance human dignity, reflect the goals and principles of Mary Virginia Merrick, founder of the national Christ Child Society. The Chapter also provides members an opportunity for individual growth through interaction with the community and each other.

Our History

1948 – The Christ Child Society – Milwaukee Chapter was founded by Marjory Wilmont. After learning about National Christ Child Society’s work, she recruited a small group of women with a mission to help poor children in Milwaukee County, regardless of race or creed, by providing infant supplies – layettes – to families in need.

1950–1960 – Members sewed clothing for infants and children, helped in schools programs for  deaf and blind students, pioneered programs for intellectually challenged children, and provided critical services for foster children and pregnant women.

1970–1980 – We added volunteer services related to food insecurity, homelessness and disaster aid.

1990–2000 – In addition to our programs supporting infants and children, we established a Resale Shop in the Merrick Center on Good Hope Road, as both a source of funding for our programs and an inexpensive supply of clothing and home goods for the community. We created the Follow the Child program to provide support and vital services to at-risk children; assist with literacy, learning and self-esteem; and encourage healthy parent/child relationships.

2010–2020 – The chapter expanded to provide essentials for children in crisis through My Stuff Bags. We also updated our focus on literacy by offering help for students through library redevelopment and reading aides at Blessed Savior School and hosting Vision Screening at elementary schools to assure the children can see to read. Through the Second Saturday Program we introduced monthly educational, creative and nutritional resources in a relaxing environment for mothers & their children.  

2020 and beyond – We continue the rich tradition of serving infants and children of the Greater Milwaukee Area while seeking to continuously improve our services and adapting to social changes.

Our Foundress

Our history begins with an extraordinary woman, Mary Virginia Merrick. Born in 1866, she gathered family and friends with an idea to serve one newborn in need. This idea became her lifelong mission and has grown to over 5,500 members, in 45 cities and has helped thousands of children.

Mary Virginia’s childhood was marked by privilege, yet her parents encouraged their children to help others in need. As a result of an accident as a teenager, Mary Virginia was confined to a bed or wheelchair all her life. This did not prevent her from pursuing her commitment to helping poor children. She recognized the many social needs of children and families in the Washington DC area. She sewed clothing, creating layettes for children, and encouraged her friends to do the same.

In December 1884, Mary Virginia was told about a woman who would soon give birth and who had no clothes for her baby. Quickly organizing her sisters and friends, she provided a complete layette in time for the infant’s arrival. This was the beginning of what became the signature program of the Christ Child Society – the Layette program.

Mary Virginia founded the Christ Child Society in 1887. Her motto was “nothing is ever too much to do for a child.” Other organizations recognized her commitment and service to children. She was awarded many honors for her work and the programs of the society. Her spirituality and love of the Christ Child were an inspiration to others and led to the growth of the society into a national organization.

Formal inquiry of her life and initiation of the cause for sainthood canonization began in 2003. Mary Virginia Merrick was declared a Servant of God, the initial step in the process of beatification and canonization.

Learn more about our foundress, Mary Virginia Merrick, and the cause for canonization.

Mary Virginia Merrick

Our Prayers

Christ Child Prayer

Remember in this sacrifice of Your own and only Child, all
children everywhere throughout the world, and grant that, like
Your Son, as they increase in years, they may grow in grace
and wisdom before You, and in the sight of all, for the
improvement and saving of the world.
Jesus, the Friend of Little Children,
bless the little children in the world.

Pro-Life Prayer

O God, our Creator, all life is in Your hands from conception
until natural death. Help us to cherish our children and to
reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation.
May all people live and die in dignity and love. Bless all those
who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped, and the aged.
Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love, and
give them peace.

Prayer for Opening of Meetings

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.
Approve our deliberations and conclusions, we beseech You, O Lord, and further them with Your continual help; that every prayer and work of ours may always begin from You, and through You be likewise ended, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
For all enrolled in our Memorial program, for all who are ill or injured, for those intentions we hold in our heart and for all of our dear ones who have died, may their souls and the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Canonization Prayer

(Prayer for the Canonization of Mary Virginia Merrick; “With Ecclesiastical Approval” Archdiocese of Washington)
Lord God, in Your special love for children, You chose to raise up Mary Virginia Merrick to be the servant of the poor children. In laboring to serve the young and those without hope because of the crushing weight of poverty, she proclaimed the love of Your Son. She made her life’s work a demonstration that “nothing is ever too much to do for a child.”
Grant that her example of selfless charity and courageous virtue in the face of her own suffering will inspire us to be as generous in the service of others. We humbly ask that Your servant Mary Virginia Merrick be numbered among the Church’s canonized saints for edification of Your holy people, in accord with Your most holy will. Through her intercession, please hear and answer any request (state intention).
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.