Marjory Wilmot Red Shoe Award

The Marjory Wilmot Red Shoe Award is awarded each year to one member of the Milwaukee Chapter whose light shines in many directions and whose dedication to the society and to those we serve is exemplary. Marjory Wilmot was the founder of the Milwaukee Chapter in 1948.


by Marie Mertle Ungarsky

I saw them both as they approached the
Gleaming white Communion rail,
The one with cheeks so highly rouged,
The other one sedate and pale.
The one was dressed in quiet gray
With shoes so plain and neat,
The other one in vivid hue
And red shoes on her feet.
The one with solemn, serious face
And head bowed gently low.
The other a smile upon her lips
And eyes like flame aglow.
They knelt there side by side those two,
The one so gray and neat.
The other perfumed and gay,
With red shoes on her feet.
The “Master” came and entered in
The heart of both these two.
And in both hearts He found retreat
And love so deep and true.
Some saints dress in convent garb,
Simple, plain, and neat,
But there are saints who walk the earth
With red shoes on their feet.